Multithreading C Questions For Job Interview

Define: race condition A race condition is when non-deterministic behavior results from threads accessing shared data or resources without following a defined synchronization protocol for serializing such access. How can you prevent race conditions from occurring? Take steps within your program to enforce serial access to shared file descriptors and other external resources. Define: priority inversion A higher priority thread can wait behind a lower priority thread if the lower priority thread holds a lock for which the higher priority thread is waiting. As happened on the Mars Pathfinder. Define: Condition Variables (what is/are the analogous Java structure(s)? ) Condition variables allow threads to synchronize to a value of a shared resource. Typically, condition variables are used as a notification system between threads. In Java wait() and notify() are used. Define: (thread) barriers Barriers are a method to synchronize a set of threads at some point in time by having all participating threads in the barrier wait until all threads have called the said barrier function.

Multithreading c questions for job interview 2019

- Queuing: allows for fairness in lock acquisition by providing FIFO ordering to the arrival of lock requests. Such mutexes may be slower due to increased overhead and the possibility of having to wake threads next in line that may be sleeping. - Reader/Writer: allows for multiple readers to acquire the lock simultaneously. If existing readers have the lock, a writer request on the lock will block until all readers have given up the lock. This can lead to writer starvation. - Scoped: RAII-style semantics regarding lock acquisition and unlocking. Define: deadlock Two (or more) threads have stopped execution or are spinning permanently. For example, a simple deadlock situation: thread 1 locks lock A, thread 2 locks lock B, thread 1 wants lock B and thread 2 wants lock A. How can you prevent deadlocking from occurring? You can prevent deadlocks from happening by making sure threads acquire locks in an agreed order (i. e. preservation of lock ordering). Deadlock can also happen if threads do not unlock mutexes properly.

multithreading c questions for job interview for teachers

By default C# variables are not thread-safe. When we apply addition, subtraction or checking the value of variables multiple threads can corrupt the variables. For preventing these dirty reads, we can use Interlocked functions. Interlocked functions can only work on int, long, double and float data types. Below are the some Interlocked functions. 1) Add(ref int location1, int value): For safely adding the value into int variable. 2) Increment(ref int location1): For safely increase the value of int variable by 1. 3) Decrement(ref int location1): For safely decrease the value of int variable by 1. 4) Exchange(ref int location1, int value): For safely set the new value into int value location1. 5) CompareExchange(ref int location1, int value, int comparand): It first check the old value in location1 to comparand value. It both are equal then only it set the new value into int value location1. Question 3. What is AutoResetEvent and how it is different from ManualResetEvent? AutoResetEvent is used when we have to unlock only one single thread from several waiting blocked threads.

Introduction Multithreading Interview Questions and Answers C++ Before we go into the threading and related concepts regarding the interview, I would like to give a brief idea about how things work before the title of the article i. e. Multithreading starts to play its part. Let's quickly see the details There are 3 types of computer language Low level (machine level) The middle level (Assembly level) and High level (like C++, JAVA, COBOL etc) These high-level languages (in our case we will consider C++) interact with the machines with the use of programs (which has codes built into them). A translator helps to translate the details to machine language (0's and 1's) just like a tour guide that translates one language to another. Now once this exchange of information takes place between man (via codes) and a machine, concepts like threading and process come into the picture. These details we will discuss via question and answer for "C++ threading interview questions". Now, if you are looking for a job that is related to Multithreading C++ then you need to prepare for the 2020 Multithreading Interview Questions C++.

Whereas for Monitor class in C#, we use try and finally block explicitly to release lock properly. Lock = Monitor + try finally. Below … Read more C# Lock Vs Monitor – Why Use Monitor instead of Lock Answer: C# thread join() method is used to join multiple threads or in simple way, to make a thread wait for its all child threads to finish their task. For example, in below program, in main, if we use () method, main thread will wait to finish all child threads and till then main thread … Read more Why to use C# Thread join method Answer includes C# monitor class with program example in threaded program and its pulse wait method. Monitor class in C# multi-threaded program is used to synchronize the shared resources i. e. file IO, shared data and memory etc. among threads. Monitor class is available in namespace reading. Besides synchronization mechanism, Monitor class also provides wait (), … Read more What is C# monitor class? Explain monitor pulse wait by example Every C# thread has a priority.

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answered Nov 15 '08 at 1:33 gbjbaanb gbjbaanb 49. 1k 10 gold badges 95 silver badges 141 bronze badges Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged c++ debugging or ask your own question.