Campus Interview Job Talk Slides

Published: After sending in your application materials and successfully completing a round or two of interviews, you'll be invited for an on-campus interview. Most on-campus interviews include a job talk. To be successful in your job talk, preparation is key. In some disciplines, reading a research paper to an audience may be par for the course. But that doesn't make it an effective research presentation! If possible, attend job talks in your own field. With your advisor, discuss which presentations were effective (or ineffective) and why. If it's been a few years since they've hired in your home department and you haven't attended a job talk, ask your advisor about the expectations of a job talk in your discipline. How PowerPoint can distract your audience from your message. How is a penguin like a dolphin? Use images to add interest to concepts like convergent evolution. The visual elements of your presentation should support your talk—they are not the focus of the talk. If you use PowerPoint, keep the text to a minimum so as not to distract the audience.

Campus interview job talk slides template

campus interview job talk slides 2019

These are the people who will most likely attend your talk). Knowing what they work on will help you connect your own research to what's already being done at the university, and you can speak to how you fit in with other researchers as well as how your research is unique. In the talk and during the questions afterward, you'll want to make it clear that your research is not a dead end, but that you see the important research yet to be done. You'll also be able to show your research agenda for the next few years. Indicating future research shows that you're thinking ahead and being proactive about your career.

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