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The document root is often named htdocs or public_html, and is usually inside your website directory. Your website directory contains htdocs, your document root directory — the top level of your website. If you like, you can double-click your document root folder — htdocs in the above screenshot — to browse its contents. Uploading a Web page Once you've found your document root, you're now ready to upload your website. Here, you're going to upload your first page,, which should be the name of the main page of your website. Use the left-hand pane in WinSCP to browse to your website folder on your hard disk. You can then upload your file to the server by dragging it from the left-hand pane to the htdocs folder in the right-hand pane: Upload the website's index page file by dragging it from the left-hand pane to the htdocs folder in the right-hand pane. Once you've dragged your file, you may see a Copy dialog appear. Just click the button in the dialog to continue. You can also check the checkbox in the dialog, if it annoys you.

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In addition, Deputy City Attorney incumbents will develop special expertise in specific areas of municipal law. It is anticipated that Deputy City Attorney incumbents will devote significant, non-work hours to learning the essentials of municipal law to prepare them for advancement in the profession. REPORTS TO City Attorney, Chief Deputy City Attorney, or designee. CLASSIFICATIONS SUPERVISED This is not a supervisory class. Examples of Duties REPRESENTATIVE DUTIES The following duties are typical for this classification. Incumbents may not perform all of the listed duties and/or may be required to perform additional or different duties from those set forth below to address business needs and changing business practices. Performs professional legal assignments and research; receives and reviews legal cases and potential litigation, examining evidence, interviewing witnesses, and performing requisite investigations to determine the proper course of City legal action. Authorizes and drafts appropriate legal documents to support legal cases; prepares and conducts trial work, as necessary.

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Buttercup may not be a very popular solution – but if you are looking for a simpler alternative to store your credentials, this would be a good start. Unlike some others, you do not have to be skeptical about its cloud servers because it sticks to offline usage only and supports connecting cloud sources like Dropbox, OwnCloud, Nextcloud, and WebDAV. So, you can opt for the cloud source if you need to sync the data. You've got the choice for it. 3. KeePassXC Open Source Simple password manager Cross-platform No mobile support KeePassXC is a community fork of KeePassX – which was originally a Linux port for KeePass on Windows. Unless you're not aware, KeePassX hasn't been maintained for years – so KeePassXC is a good alternative if you are looking for a dead-simple password manager. KeePassXC may not be the most prettiest or fanciest password manager, but it does the job. You might find some unofficial open source Android apps for KeePass but we wouldn't recommend them. Nevertheless, the desktop app is secure and open source as well.

Angular acceleration is the rate of change of angular velocity or speed of a body moving along a circular path.

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